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Ijamsville, MD’s Premier Kitchen Cabinets Company

The Kitchen is the heart of the home, and cabinets are one of its top functions. Kitchen cabinets are the first thing you see when you walk into the room. Their beauty and purpose are what make them special. Finding cabinets that fit your preferred esthetic and lifestyle are what we do best. Let us do the heavy lifting for you in designing where and what you need to complete your vision.

Product offering – We proudly represent an array of different cabinet lines. The selections are endless and can be complicated, we provide the necessary information to select the best line based on budget, quality, timeline and style.

It’s all in the details – What is your style? Inset doors, cabinet door overlay, frameless, modern, farmhouse, shaker? What about hardware? Yes, we have that too. The cabinet jargon can be puzzling, and you need to know what each of these features look like. We can educate and demonstrate the characteristics of each at our showroom, where you will experience an essence of charm and superior cabinetry and natural stone tops.

Our Cabinetry Lines

Whether you prefer the minimalistic charm of Fabuwood or the classic elegance of Waypoint, we have the perfect kitchen cabinets for you. We sell cabinets based on your wants and needs, including cabinet type, flexibility, door style, finishes, accessories, and budget. At Washington Kitchen Gallery, we’ve curated a variety of cabinetry lines to meet our clients’ diverse needs and tastes. Each line offers unique benefits and aesthetics:

Traditional shaker stlye maple cabinets country farm sink-6x6
Fabuwood Cabinetry

High-quality stock cabinetry offering contemporary style/color doors with a quick turnaround.

Wolf Home Products

Home of the well-known stock Classic line and several Semi-custom lines.

Natural cherry craftsman style cabinets with quartzite counter tops-6x6
Waypoint Cabinetry

American Woodmark’s long-established Semi-custom line.

Cabinets spice drawer pull out-6x6
Showplace Cabinetry

Semi-custom cabinets are available in Overlay, Inset, and Frameless.

Elegant white inset cabinet doors with raised panel. Black granite-6x6
Quality Custom Cabinetry

Full Custom Cabinets are inset and frameless.

Let’s Create Your Dream Kitchen Together!

Whether you’re remodeling your kitchen or upgrading your cabinetry, we’re here to help. Our team offers top-notch services, specializing in custom cabinetry. Transform your kitchen with Washington Kitchen Gallery. Please schedule a consultation with our designers and bring your dream kitchen to life. Let’s make it a space for family gatherings, socializing, and culinary adventures. Call us today and start your dream project!

We Turn Your Remodeling Dreams Into Reality