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Get Creative With New Bathroom Cabinets in Ijamsville, MD

Feel comfortable in your personal space – The bathroom may not be the heart of the home but it is perhaps used the most in our modern world.

Does function take priority here? It may for some, space is a limited thing. Let us show you what a pull- out accessory drawer looks like. They are extremely functional for those who appreciate being organized and prearranged. Make-up desks, towel storage, plumbing limitations. All things to think of when planning out a customized bath.

Creativity – This part can be fun. Funky colors, nautical, farmhouse, earthy. The theme can be however you please without judgement (it’s your bathroom). Custom colors can be limited to certain cabinet lines, but you are not limited to what we can do for you.

Gorgeous Bathroom Cabinetry Lines

We believe in offering our clients variety and quality. Therefore, we work with several renowned cabinetry lines, each offering its unique style, function, and affordability blend. With such a wide range of options, we can find the perfect solution to meet your needs, wants, and budget. Here are some of the brands that we work with:

2cm white quartz vanity with maple taupe shaker doors bathroom-6x6
Fabuwood Cabinetry

Known for its high-quality stock cabinetry, it offers contemporary style/color doors with a quick turnaround.

Colonial White Granite with Rustic Alder cabinets--bathroom-6x6
Wolf Home Products

Home of the well-known stock Classic line and several semi-custom lines.

Quarter sawn oak vanity cabinet-6x6
Waypoint Cabinetry

American Woodmark’s long-established semi-custom line.

Showplace Cabinetry

Offers semi-custom cabinets in Overlay, Inset, and Frameless.

Quality Custom Cabinetry

Offers full custom cabinets in Inset and Frameless.

Let’s Begin Your Bathroom Remodeling Journey

Ready to transform your bathroom with our custom cabinetry? Our expert designers at Washington Kitchen Gallery are eager to bring your vision to life. Schedule your initial consultation today, and let us guide you through the exciting bathroom remodeling process. We promise to make your experience stress-free, enjoyable, and, most importantly, successful.

We Turn Your Remodeling Dreams Into Reality