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marble quarry Italy

New Countertops Can Revitalize Your Ijamsville, MD Home

Slab Selection – Washington Marble & Granite (our sister company) takes the burden off you to assist in finding the perfect material to fit your lifestyle, esthetic, and budget. With an in-house inventory and access to every local stone supplier in the area, we have unlimited selections and provide the knowledge needed about any stone.

Everything in-house – Work with our expect residential sales representative for your counter tops. Our cabinet designer and counter top sales reps are in touch on every detail for multiple layers of protection to avoid miscommunication and mistakes. All fabrication, templating and install teams are also in-house professionals.

Quality work – Our top priority, Washington Marble & Granite has a 4.9 Google rating that is attributed to satisfied customers who appreciate the level of detail we put into every project. If it’s not right, we do everything we can to fix it.

Proper communication – At WMG, we believe this is essential. We have all the necessary protocols to make sure everything is understood without any gray area. This is important for stone aspect, fabrication details, scheduling and billing.

white countertop and red chairs

Two Companies, One Vision

Washington Kitchen Gallery and Washington Marble and Granite, two companies with a shared vision, collaborate to bring you the best in kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Our combined expertise allows us to offer unparalleled remodeling services, catering to all your needs under one roof. After making your cabinet selections, you can walk outside and pick your granite slab. There’s no need for separate trips or coordinating different delivery dates – we handle all of that for you.

Our Remodelers Are Just a Call Away

Embarking on a remodeling project can be daunting, but with Washington Kitchen Gallery, you’ll find all you need in one convenient location. From cabinets to countertops, we’ve got you covered. No more separate trips or coordinating delivery dates. We handle everything. Situated between Clarksburg and Urbana, MD, and just two miles from I-270, our showroom serves the entire DC metro area, including Bethesda, Montgomery County, Howard County, Frederick County, Northern Virginia, and Baltimore. Please meet with our in-house designers today, and let us bring your vision to life. Your dream kitchen awaits at Washington Kitchen Gallery.

We Turn Your Remodeling Dreams Into Reality