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In-House Designers for Frederick County, MD Homeowners

Located in the heart of Ijamsville, MD, we are Washington Kitchen Gallery (WKG), where our in-house designers bring your kitchen and bathroom dreams to life. At WKG, we’re not just one but two companies that harmoniously blend, Washington Kitchen Gallery and Washington Marble and Granite. This unique cooperation offers a seamless, one-stop shopping experience for cabinets and countertops. Say goodbye to separate trips and the hassle of coordinating delivery dates; we handle everything for you. Beyond convenience, the results are a perfect match of cabinets and countertops, elevating the aesthetics of your space.

white countertops and black cabinets

Experts in Remodeling

With years of experience under our belt, we have mastered the art and science of remodeling. Whether kitchen or bathroom remodeling, our team of experts ensures a smooth and satisfying process from start to finish. We understand that remodeling is not merely a service; it’s an experience. Our in-house designers work closely with you, understanding your vision, needs, and preferences, to create functional and beautiful spaces. Our remodeling services extend beyond kitchens and bathrooms. We also specialize in custom cabinetry, adding a touch of personalization and uniqueness to every project. Every piece of furniture we create is a testament to our craftsmanship and attention to detail.

white fancy countertops

Serving the Metro DC Area

While our headquarters is in Ijamsville, our services are not limited to this region. We are proud to service a wide range of cities, including:

  • Frederick
  • Hagerstown
  • Damascus
  • Mount Airy
  • Rockville
  • Bethesda
  • Germantown
  • Gaithersburg
  • Olney
  • Brookeville
  • Monrovia
  • Clarksburg
  • Urbana
  • Walkersville
  • Potomac
  • Hyattstown
  • Darnestown
  • Laytonsville
  • Poolesville

Let’s Beautify Your Home Together

Our in-house designers are eager to help you realize your remodeling dreams. Schedule your initial consultation with WKG today and embark on a journey to create uniquely your spaces. We promise a remodeling experience like no other, characterized by professionalism, creativity, and a deep commitment to customer satisfaction.

We Turn Your Remodeling Dreams Into Reality